
Adaptive Optics (AO) have played a key role to enable a new window for astronomy by drastically improving the high-angular resolution of the largest optical telescopes across the world. For the past 30 years, innovative and disruptive technologies have continuously emerged to enhance the performance of AO systems, increasing the sky coverage, or going wide-field.

However, most of the data reduction tools still rely on analytic models of the PSF that were proposed more than 20 years ago. With the constant growing of the instrumental complexity of current and future AO systems, a similar evolution of models and data reduction pipelines appears to be essential, especially regarding the venue of giant segmented telescopes and the gap in terms of data amount to be processed. The big data time for optical/near infra-red astronomy has finally come.

AO4ASTRO aims to gather specialists in astronomy, AO, and image/data science to identify the current state-of-the art of science done with AO, and anticipate the potential issues on the AO-corrected data exploitation.

We particularly encourage young scientists (Ph.D students and postdocs) to present their on-going research and interact with renowned experts.

We look forward to seeing you all online !

Olivier Beltramo-Martin, Niranjan Thatte, on behalf of the SOC/LOC


A preliminary version of the agenda can be found here.

Important dates

14th April 2021 | registration opens

28th May 2021 | abstract submission deadline (closed)

4th June 2021 | final program

14th June 2021 | workshop starts


For any information, please contact: ao4astro2@sciencesconf.org



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